Monday, October 17, 2011

Interview Evaluation: Tyler Hamilton

Part A:
1.An open-ended question:
Did You see Armstrong getting the blood transfusion?

2.A closed ended question:
What did you think in that moment?

3.A follow-up question:
You saw Lance Armstrong inject EPO?

Part B:
1.What question got the best answer from Tyler Hamilton?
Question:It was arranged by Lance Armstrong?
Answer:Correct. But, you know,  i reached out to him. I asked for this, you know. Sure, it was an illegal doping product but, he helped out a friend. So I want to make it clear that, you know, if the roles were reversed, and I had the connection I would of done the same- the same thing for lance.

2.What's a question you have from tyler Hamilton That was not asked?
If you went back in time, would you do the same thing? Would you use these illegal substances if that meant achieving your goals as a cyclist?

3.What can you aboserve about Tyler Hamilton's behavior as he answers the questions? Does he appear comfortable? How can you tell?
By Observing Tyler Hamilton's behavior we can infer that he wasen't comfortable at all. He seemed very tense, eventhough he was willing to anwser the interview's questions. Lance Armastrong was his friend and teammate for many years, it must of been really hard for him to reveal the truth.

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