Monday, September 26, 2011

Lead Writing

Who:Roger Clementine, 13, John Jacob Jingleheimer,91, and Melba, 67 
What:Two Vehicles collided
Why:Clementine was speeding, and driving in the wrong lane
How:Smith was in a head-on collision with Clementine's car
When:Sunday, September 25
Where:At the intersection of first street and slaughter Lane

Most important news value? 
In this case I think the most important news value is Timeliness. The story is driven by this news element, because readers will only care about this event while its new and fresh. 

SUNDAY--Clementine, 13, and Smith, 91, were involved in a car accident yesterday afternoon at the intersection of first street and Slaughter Lane. It is reported that the accident was caused by the 13 year old, who was speeding and driving in the wrong lane.

Revised Lead:
SUNDAY-- Two senior citizens are hospitalized after a 13 year old caused a head-on collision at the intersection of first street and slaughter lane.  

The Three little Pigs

Lead:BACONVILLE-- Two pigs were murdered yesterday after a wolf destroyed their house. It is said that the wolf indented to destroy a third house, and murder its resident. The pig killed the wolf in self defense, and is now recovering form the traumatic experience.

Background information/details:Pigg has said that the wolf threaten to use the chimney if he didn't let him inside. Al he thought about was his safety, so he decided to protect himself by placing a kettle of hot water under the chimney when he saw the wolf getting the ladder from the garage. 

Less important information: Pigg said he would invite his mother, and talk about what happened to his brothers. He plans on giving her the terrible news tomorrow, but is afraid it will affect her health.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Stories Behine the Wildfire Photos

 This image really stood out to me, because i realized that not only humans were victims of this tragedy. many animals, like this dog were not able to escape the wildfire.
 This was probably the photo that most stood out to me because it made me feel really emotional just seeing these people gather in a circle, holding hand to pray for the victims of the wildfires.
 This Image stood out because it was just so nice to see that these kids were so thankful to the firefighters. I thought it was really nice of them to thank them this way. 
 This one image really left me in shock. I couldn't believe all this territory had been affected by the wildfires.
This last image really made me put myself in those peoples shoes. I know i would feel terrible if  Ilost all my belongings. It would be as if i lost my memory. I know i would feel very sad, so this image really allowed me to feel what the wildfire victims problaby felt.

Analyzing the News- 5Ws and H

Toddler left on day care van found dead

The story is about a 17 month old boy that was found dead inside a van in Boston after the driver failed to noticed that the toddler was still inside.

The district attorney's office is waiting on the autopsy results before deciding whether to bring charges to this case. 

The accident occurred during the morning when the toddler was being taken to the day care,
the newspaper was published today, September 14, 2011.     

The Story takes place in Boston.

The incident happened after the driver failed to revise the van for any toddlers left behind.

It seems to be an accident, the driver has apologized to the parents for the incident and is said to feel "a deep sorrow"  for his role in the terrible accident. We can see it could of been a distraction of the driver.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Favorite Blogs

This is my Favorite blog because I am an FC. Barcelona Fan. It is my favorite soccer team and I like to know all about them, What they are doing inside the football pitch and outside the football pitch. It is very important for me to know all the current news about the club and its players and this blog helps me be well informed. 
This is my second favorite blog, it is about Cesc fabregas one of my favorite soccer players. He is also an FC. Barcelona football player, my favorite one and i like to be informed about his life, and his opinions on different football subjects etc.
This is another one of my favorite bogs. I love writing and reading. This blog speaks about literature and actuality in Spain. Specially about underground writers and social poetry. Viewing this blog is an enjoyable way of using my free time, because i am actually learning about things that interest me.
I really like this blog because it gives me the latest news on my favorite singer, Alex Ubago. This blog gives me the lastest interviews and news about his music, new songs, concerts, etc
5.Everything Everywhere: Around …
I especially like this blog because I would personally love to travel to different parts of the world once i finish school and have my career. This blog is a journal of a person who is on a trip around the world and he writes about the interesting things he sees. 

Remembering 9-11

"I was in Sarasota Florida with president Bush, covering what we thought would be an extremely ordinary, almost forgettable educational event in the T. Booker elementary school. I was in a small anteroom were the classrooms at the white house had created for us to sit there, watch the president, and watch television. So we see the first after effect of the plane in the tower and then we watch the second jet fly in, and you have a feeling that what you're seeing can't be believed. It's literally, incredible."
                                                                             -Major Garret 

My Memories of 9-11
I remember pertty well where I was, and what I was doing on September 11, 2001. I was in my second grade classroom working on an assigment. Suddenly, another teacher from across the hall came into the room and taped my teacher on the shoulder. They steeped put of the room for a minute, and then came back crying. My teacher turned on the television imedeatly and we saw the towers go down and crummble into dust. It was an unforgettable image, one that is still living in my memory. I will never forget the tears on those teachers faces, the wonder in my classmates. We did't understand what was happening, but we knew it was something horrible. That afternoon when i got home, I asked my mother what had happend to the towers. She anwserd me with a sad smile, "They were terrorist.". Back then I did't understand what "terrorist" were, but i knew they were bad people that tried to hurt the nation. Now that ten years have passed, and i'm a senior in highschool, I still remeber those days. Where there was nothing but sworrow and despair, but not all my memories are bad. I remember a nation that was united to fight against an evil I did not know. September 11 will always live in my memory and in my heart.